Pages From My Skin

Monday, May 26, 2008


In reflection, I revisit the evolutions that have since transcended my existence into this present manifestation of who I am or even who I consider myself to be. For as long as I can remember, I have always wished for a life fulfilled with happiness, significant substance and sheer inspiration in all I do. In turn, reality has placed upon the complexities of my spectrum dimensions of ambiguity and unprecedented responsibility. Prospects for self-defined success is currently metamorphing into unparalleled potential and yet consumed by the magnitude of possibility, I find myself numb to the thoughts of such monumental transitions.

I promised myself a long time ago that I would never give up to circumstance and believed that I would one day "change the world." That I would one day achieve dreams considered impossible by the breath of stars whispered. Now, whenever I experience moments of intense anxiety, pressure or confusion, I return to the vision of that 12 year old boy promising himself that he will never quit and no matter what...always find it within him to succeed against all odds. Subjecting his future self to words sworn sacred. An oath deemed godly. A future self that is presently in the position of transitioning towards endless opportunity.


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