The crazy part was how the cop came out of the car waving his gun at us before even saying a single word to us. And not no regular 9 millie or pistol...no, dude was holding weight. He made the driver get out of the car and interrogated us for 15-20 minutes. Finally, he let us go after a thorough series of questions and threatening glares. The driver was so apologetic and went as far as to find another hostel for me since we couldn`t find the original one. His name was Paul and said that he was probably just pulled over for the way he looked. He was a ghetto cat but cool. We spoke quite a bit about the history of Peru and he commented a lot about the government. The area he drove us through was CRAZY HOOD! He went on to negotiate several spots until he got me a room for 20 soles at a Love Shack for couples. haha. Funniest part was how we heard loud sex noises coming from one of the rooms on the first floor. The employee tried to front and say it was the TV! The driver and I laughed til it hurt. HILARIOUS! Stayed the night hearing sounds that would make one think every room was blasting porno! It was def a night for the books...
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